Thursday, 29 November 2012

S.S. Borodino

A family portrait in oil, Warwick Brookes

During the early years of the 20th Century Warwick Brookes 1875-1935 became a successful and wealthy businessman as managing director of The Junior Army And Navy Stores, whose registered office was York House, 15 Regent Street, London S.W.1.

At the start of the Great War the company won the naval contract to supply His Majesty's Grand Fleet with stores and supplies, and a ship, the S.S Borodino, was made available to be used in this ambitious venture as a merchant fleet auxiliary. The contract ran between December 1914 and February 1919, and later, a book documenting the exploits of this ship was published on behalf of the company. The book can be read in full here: S.S.Borodino M.F.A Number 6.  and it contains many interesting photographic plates.

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