Monday, 23 May 2011

Warwick Brookes 1808-1882, details of funeral

Warwick Brookes the artist is buried at Brooklands Cemetery, Sale. Here are details of the occasion which appeared in newspapers at the time.

The funeral was at noon, and the cortège consisting of a hearse and three plain carriages left the deceased gentleman's residence at 4 Egerton Grove, Stretford New Road, and proceeded by Chester Road to Brooklands. In the private carriages were:- Mrs. Brookes (widow), Mr. Warwick Brookes, Mr. Arthur Brookes and Mr. William Terry Brookes, (sons), Mrs. Brotherton, Miss M. Brookes, Miss E. Brookes, (daughters), Mr. Brotherton, (son-in-law), Mr. Thomas Brookes, (brother), Mr. Adam Gentle, (executor), Mr. James Hull, Mr. John Smethurst and The Rev. Edwin Simon, M.A., minister of Zion Independent Chapel, Stretford Road, of which the deceased had been a member for several years.
The coffin was polished oak, covered with floral wreathes, and had a plain brass plate with the inscription, "Warwick Brookes died August 11, 1882, aged 74 years." At the cemetery gates, the cortège was met by following members of the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts, and other friends:- Mr. Robert Crozier (President), Mr. H.H. Hadfield (Hon. Sec.), Mr. J. Hey Davies, Mr. W. Herbert Johnston, Mr. William Morton, (of the council), Mr. William Percy, Mr. Arthur H. Marsh, Mr. John Holding, Mr. Thomas Letherbrow, Mr. Alfred Goodfellow, Mr. Warwick and Mr. John Brookes, (nephews), Mr. Joseph R. Taylor, Mr. John Evans & Co.
The services in the chapel and at the grave were very impressively conducted by The Rev. Edwin Simon.

A footnote states:- The grave of the old artist is appropriately contiguous to those of two other well known Manchester characters - Mr. Joseph Manchester, and Mr. Charles Calvert, the actor.
A message of condolence was received from Mr. Gladstone. Both the Premier and Mrs. Gladstone were exceedingly kind friends and warm admirers of the distinguished artist, who was frequently a welcome guest at Hawarden.

Read here about Charles Alexander Calvert <Click>.

A link to the archived letters of Robert Crozier is here <Click>

Contemporary photographs of Zion Independent Chapel and the Hulme area are here <Click>.

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